13 May 2009

New Changes..

Finally I’m back! Heloo readers! Well this is written during the Mid-year exams. But luckily I have finished revision for P.O.A(Principles Of Accounts) on Thursday and Friday. Heh, quite tough. BTW! There will be no more of my cr*p talking. It will be my little journal. Nothing fancy. Knock yourself out.


Journal 1.1 (Previous week from posted)

I suddenly realised that my blog is left behind other of my friends blog. Realising that it is filled with cob-webs(Long un-updated) and I gotta do something. So I made this choice. [Recorded at Wednesday 6 May 2009]


Journal 1.2

Today, a late day. Woke up a little too late than usual. Quickly took a bath and get dressed. Went off quickly, so that I don’t miss the bus. Always taking the bus 970 to school. Kinda easier and save my EZ-Link Smart Card value. The bus I always cold when I ride. It better cause I keep my cool. Another reason is that I get a seat. Last reason is I get to see girls(haha) from Methodist Girls Sec.  Well today, I didn’t cared much though there’s quite a number of… Erhem. Approx 45 mins later, reached Bukit Panjang and got off where it is nearest. Walked to school alone(As usual) and enjoying the calmness and peace of the urban Singapore(As usual).

Later, at the canteen, met up with couple of friends. Exchanges of hellos’ and helped a littleof those who are having their final touches on revision. I later went to buy a drink(Lychee to be accurate) and a choc bread. As I went back, I noticed the face of my beauty. I saw her sitting down there, her bag still carried and I turned away, having so much doubts about my Love for her. I walked, hoping that she notices me.

After the long 2hr 30mins Math P2, went to the canteen and, well the same thing, put my bag with my friends, and go off buy food. Sat down, ate, and thinked about her, being near to me. At that time, I remembered her sweet words, and intently listened out for her cute, sweet voice. Her face was sombody that is hard for me to forget. I walked past her, with such disapointment and regret with she being near her ‘guy’. I’m the person that never tries to interfere their Love. And that’s the reason that I find it hard to talk to her. My mind was a total blank, and wished I either had Wolverine’s claws or Angel’s wings. Time. I went off for the Science(Physics/Chemistry) P1. During the whole time of the paper, I kept thinking about her, even though I was getting closer with Vannessa. Something about her that I liked. Yet I was able to do the paper well. After the paper, all I wanted to do was to tell her how much I loved her but I couldn’t. Went home with Hakim, Hillary and Fayyadhah. Most of the time, walking behind ***, noticing her cute body, height and her face. Her behaviour also is quite cute. I liked her but I can’t. She was not ready for so much Love. Although sec 4, and going 16, I kept my true feelings with Hakim around, joking to the ladies(As usual..). Love, something not easy to come by.

Loves from me..
