14 July 2009

Go Fly Kite!!

Yeah! Battle of The Bands is next week!!
Next week, our band is going to have a rockin time yo!
Anyways, I said I was going to "go fly kite" if the Battle of The Bands is next week at a tagboard of GSB. You think I would??

I was just joking anyways. Thanks to Jabez, I did some of my homework in his class.
If not, I would be somewhere doing or most likely not doing them. Hahaa.
Wells... Today wasn't much fun.. I slept through Physics but not the whole lesson.
It's kinda difficult when you don't have a home and you live distant from school.
If only my family has a home somewhere in Choa Chu Kang again. Then I can invite some of my friends to my house! 
That is a distant dream. My family is living a tough life currently. I had to live on my own at home. Grandparents don't have much bother about how I'm doing at school.
Living so far, but the heart seem so near. Hated the morning trains. Loved the morning buses.
But I still love it. Something about this school that pulls me up for all these 5 years of my time in school.
With the addition of Jabez to my 'society', I get to play guitar with him as well as study with him.
My guitar skills seem to improve playing with him. He has his skills. I have mine.
Everyone is unique. Nobody is 100% same.

I can be loving. I can be emotional. I can be protective. I can be what you want me to be.
All I need is your love. I gave you my love. You are loved.
You don't have to tell me 'I Love You'. 
Show me. Love. It's more than words.

Signature Froggy,
AF__. Knight Rock.
Outta Here.