30 July 2009

My X.O. Experience

Hello again people. Those who watched the Battle of The Bands today, you should know what the title means.
I and Jabez (N.X-Gen) got third due to lacking members.
NotAnotherFake got second. Well Done!!
And My X.O. got 1st which won the hearts of the crowd and the judges with their song Dirty Little Secret by The All-American Rejects.
I can admit they played well.
But everyone's a winner whether they got Champion, 1st-Runner up or 2nd-Runner up.
It's not about winning, It's about having fun.

But for next year, I'm not going to be playing coz I stepped down!
I still will be rooting for Jabez and his group.

Well, It's been weeks since I became attached to my sweet Nicole.
It was strange how we met in the beginning. Never expected it to be that way.
But she wasn't juz another girl, she's the one that really makes me feel pulled in to her.
Somehow, I regained this feeling called Love from another girl I liked.
She had a boyfriend and there was pressure to keep out of link.
So one day, the faithful 4th of July, a Saturday, I was at Sheng Siong looking for some snacks to eat at home. Later, one of the snacks I wanted had left one. So I took it but things happened differently.
Before I could grab the snack, another girl grabbed the snack and I grabbed her hand!
At that moment I thought I was in deep sh*t, but when I looked up at her, I was totally stunned.
The moment I saw her face, I thought I saw an angel.
Then she apologized to me and passed me the snack.
But I declined it and handed it back to her.
She then insisted me having it as I saw it first.
But I explained her I don't need it so much so she can have it.
She then looked at me with a sweet smile and thanked me sweetly than anyone had done to me.
I stood there.. Still stunned as if she had kissed me.

Later, I met her again at the counter and I said 'Hi' to her.
She then turned to me and told me that she felt bad about having to take the snack from me and insisted it to be shared with me.
I was surprised that she would do that. I told her that I would if she doesn't mind.
She told me to have it under her block.
I was a little puzzled as she walked the same path I walked home.
Surprisingly, she went to under my block! And then she told me she lived at the block.
Well, me too! She was surprised, and then we sat down and shared the snack together.
We began talking, introducing each other.
She was from Clementi Town Sec. Secondary 4 express.
Me? Greenridge Sec. Secondary 5 Integrated Programme a.k.a 5IP.
Later we finished the snack and we went to the lift lobby.
Then, she said "Oh and I'm Nicole."
Well, I replied "And I'm Afiq."
She giggled after I told her my name. Then she told me "The name kind of fits you. With that eye of yours."
I didn't feel insulted. I took it as a compliment. From the sweetest girl I've met.
Then on, we began meeting on certain days under our block doing homework or revising.
We ocassionally talked. And there are laughs.

At 17th July, at night when we always meet, a Friday, she asked a question that really stopped me.
With such sweet voice she said "You know, you can be such a loving person. I see that you don't talk much. Maybe it's your nature. But I want to ask you this question. Will you be my stead?"
Minutes I stared at her with the question repeated in my head.
Then I asked her "Are you serious? You not joking or anything?"
She said "Do I look like I'm joking?"
So cute and pretty, I was in a dilemma for a moment.
But I said "Yeah Okay."
Then she smiled at me even more sweetly than she had the 1st time I saw her.
Then on, we became a couple. She dressed like a "Ah Lian" but she behaved like a disciplined person. Seroiusly!
Almost similar to me. I dressed like a 'Mat' but behaved disciplined.
She liked me. I liked her. She was one of the cutest and prettiest I had ever seen.

Nothing more to lose, Something more to prove.
AF__. Knight Rock.