06 January 2009

Another Day in Greenridge...

6 January 2009

Yep.. Just another day in Greenridge Secondary School. Going through lessons... Sometimes slept during some Hehe... But I slept late last night watching Mind Your Language. Hahaha.. Its one very funny show that everyone should watch before you sleep. Its only on Mondays 11.30pm. Only on Okto. Well here's one funny part. Read below!

Mr. Brown(Teacher): Does anyone know what the Milky Way is?
Spanish Student: I. Chocolate.

Then that sent me laughing my heart out.. Its damn funny you must watch! Well anyways, today almost slept during Physics class. Can't sleep because firstly have to really pay attention during Physics lessons and secondly, its because the teacher is Mr. Goh. I really like him to have him as our teacher so thats why I try not to sleep during his classes. Recess, WTH the queue is damn LONG!! I would'nt want to wait. Its useless because there will always be someone to cut queue.. F*** You cut-queuers!! I HATE YOU ALL!!

Later Chemistry, got almost dozed off but went back fully fresh when Mr. Victor Lee start walking around class. Never once did I sleep during his lessons. SS, hehe.. I slept couple of minutes coz when Ms. Toh show us any video, I was curious and really awake to watch it.. She was smart to have prepared couple of Brain Teasers and Jokes powerpoint slides whenever the class starts to get sleepy....

Luckily I had finished my homework after school at the canteen. Or else I would totally forget about homework until the next day. Tomorrow got band practice so I can't wait! Well for your info, I'm the type that NEVER Dislike going any band practices and always try to be early. So thats why I already got 2 badges for perfect attendance.

How? Easy. You starting don't have to really like music, just the pieces. I started really 'INTO' the band after I watched Drumline movie my brother showed when I was sec 3(which is 2007). It firstly inspired me to start playing the drums. Soon, well now, I'm able to play them by self-learning. Not something difficult. You just have to have the right mindset to LEARN! That's why you always see me going to every band practices and really practice hard. Everyone wants us to get Gold. But some of the band members behave like C.O.P. And no its not the police.

Then, I start to hunger to learn music. I go on the internet to learn. Always went to wikipedia.org to learn. It has really LOTS of info about music. From scales to accidentals, and from dynamics to tone. Really give a clear understanding info about music so check it OUT!

Nothing left to say. I'm DAMN HUNGRY!! Not music. EAT!
AFZX-10A [Decoded],
On Tha House!