30 December 2009

True Love?

Love. Who is it that I truly Love?

The usual B.S today..
Wake up.. Breakfast... Laptop... Facebook.
But late afternoon went out with dad and sis.
Dad bought a perfume for my sis. I was offered, but I turned down.
There's something else I wanted. Later went to eat Ayam penyit(sorry dunno how to say it in english.) It's spicy with the chili but backed-up with my all time favourite Soya Bean Drink!
Then it's off to Ion Orchard! At first I was in the 'haiya-wateverlah' mood. But as we walked and walked in Ion, I start to enjoy the lovely view of all the young ladies(WOW!).
Then I start to think deeply. Who is it I truly love? Is my love a lie? NO. Then I change the way I see any 'chio bu'. Whenever I see one, it reminds me of her. The one who I love. The sweet smile that I first saw back then in HK. Some things never change. Even if I like to see 'chio bu' all around, it's the feeling of love I first had. That may be the one, but who knows? Only time.
Life has been a challenge. Sometime we have to sacrifice to achieve victory.(why the heck did i suddenly start talking about this..)

AF__. Knight Rock.
"I see Love but I don't really get to tell her love."